Our Popular Courses.

RPL is offered to Industry Experienced persons needing to gain a Nationally Accredited Qualification for recognition prior learning. (2+yrs Industry Experience).

Expression of Interest for eligibility requirements for rebate on specific courses available on behalf of RTO#31731 https://www.actassess.com/ EOI link; https://form.jotform.com/202861458818868

RTO#32512 https://constructiontc.net/ look on Construction Training College website for courses avail and referred by ‘Vivienne Edmonds of AClass Training’.

Full Fee Paying Students we offer a payment plan.

AHC10116 - Certificate I in Conservation and Land Management - Funded under User Choice for School Based Apprenticeship or TraineeshipAHC20416 - Certificate II in Horticulture - Funded under User Choice for School Based Apprenticeship or TraineeshipAHC31116 - Certificate III in Production Nursery III in Production NurseryCertificate III in Production Nursery - Only funded under User Choice for School based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc31116-certificate-iii-in-production-nursery-AHC30916 - Certificate III in Landscaping Construction - Funded under Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G) and CSQ Construction Skills QLD. (RPL Recognition Prior Learning for Industry Experienced available). https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc30916-certificate-iii-in-landscape-construction-AHC31016 - Certificate III in Parks and Gardens non funded full fee- Deposit required. https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc31016-certificate-iii-in-parks-and-gardens-AHC31316 - Certificate III in Sports Turf Management https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc31316-certificate-iii-in-sports-turf-management-BSB42618 - Certificate IV in New Small Business https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb42618-certificate-iv-in-new-small-business-BSB42518 - Certificate IV in Small Business Management https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb42518-certificate-iv-in-small-business-management-BSB30415 - Certificate III in Business Administration https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb30415-certificate-iii-in-business-administration-

AHC10116 - Certificate I in Conservation and Land Management - Funded under User Choice for School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship

AHC20416 - Certificate II in Horticulture - Funded under User Choice for School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship

AHC31116 - Certificate III in Production Nursery III in Production NurseryCertificate III in Production Nursery - Only funded under User Choice for School based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc31116-certificate-iii-in-production-nursery-

AHC30916 - Certificate III in Landscaping Construction - Funded under Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G) and CSQ Construction Skills QLD. (RPL Recognition Prior Learning for Industry Experienced available). https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc30916-certificate-iii-in-landscape-construction-

AHC31016 - Certificate III in Parks and Gardens non funded full fee- Deposit required. https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc31016-certificate-iii-in-parks-and-gardens-

AHC31316 - Certificate III in Sports Turf Management https://actassess.com/courses/ahc/ahc31316-certificate-iii-in-sports-turf-management-

BSB42618 - Certificate IV in New Small Business https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb42618-certificate-iv-in-new-small-business-

BSB42518 - Certificate IV in Small Business Management https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb42518-certificate-iv-in-small-business-management-

BSB30415 - Certificate III in Business Administration https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb30415-certificate-iii-in-business-administration-

AHC32916-Certificate III in Rural Operations (coming soon taking expressions of interest)

AHC32916-Certificate III in Rural Operations (coming soon taking expressions of interest)

Short Courses; Machinery Tickets available under the CSQ funding. https://constructiontc.net/index.php/courses/short-courses/ Excavator, Roller, Skid Steer Loader (Bobcat) EWP, Confined Spaces, Working at Heights, First Aid and ACDC Chemical Certification required for Commercial Operators Licence. Short CoursesSome of the other Assessments we offer include (but not limited to):RIIMPO317F – Conduct roller operations RIIMPO318F – Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations RIIMPO319E – Conduct backhoe/loader operations RIIMPO320F – Conduct civil construction excavator operations RIIMPO321F – Conduct civil construction wheeled front end loader operations RIIMPO323E – Conduct civil construction dozer operations RIIMPO324F – Conduct civil construction grader operations RIIMPO325E – Conduct civil construction scraper operations RIIMPO326E – Conduct water vehicle operations RIIMPO337E – Conduct articulated haul truck operations RIIMPO338E – Conduct rigid haul truck operations RIIHAN301E – Operate elevating work platform RIIHAN308F – Load and unload plant NWPNET020 – Control electrical risk on metallic pipes UETTDREL14 – Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker UETTDRRF06 – Perform rescue from a live LV panel HLTAID001 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation HLTAID002 – Provide basic emergency life support HLTAID003 – Provide first aid TLID1001 – Shift materials safely using manual handling methodsBusiness Unit (BSBSMB401 - Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business). https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb42518-certificate-iv-in-small-business-management-

Short Courses; Machinery Tickets available under the CSQ funding. https://constructiontc.net/index.php/courses/short-courses/ Excavator, Roller, Skid Steer Loader (Bobcat) EWP, Confined Spaces, Working at Heights, First Aid and ACDC Chemical Certification required for Commercial Operators Licence.

Short Courses

Some of the other Assessments we offer include (but not limited to):

RIIMPO317F – Conduct roller operations
RIIMPO318F – Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations
RIIMPO319E – Conduct backhoe/loader operations
RIIMPO320F – Conduct civil construction excavator operations
RIIMPO321F – Conduct civil construction wheeled front end loader operations
RIIMPO323E – Conduct civil construction dozer operations
RIIMPO324F – Conduct civil construction grader operations
RIIMPO325E – Conduct civil construction scraper operations
RIIMPO326E – Conduct water vehicle operations
RIIMPO337E – Conduct articulated haul truck operations
RIIMPO338E – Conduct rigid haul truck operations
RIIHAN301E – Operate elevating work platform
RIIHAN308F – Load and unload plant
NWPNET020 – Control electrical risk on metallic pipes
UETTDREL14 – Working safely near live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker
UETTDRRF06 – Perform rescue from a live LV panel
HLTAID001 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID002 – Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID003 – Provide first aid
TLID1001 – Shift materials safely using manual handling methods

Business Unit (BSBSMB401 - Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business). https://actassess.com/courses/business/bsb42518-certificate-iv-in-small-business-management-